
Sacked Catalan president could seek asylum in Belgium
Sacked Catalan president could seek asylum in Belgium

The Madrid government sacked the Catalan leader and dismissed the region's parliament on Friday, hours after it declared itself an independent nation.

Islamist attack on hotel in Somalia leaves 25 dead
Islamist attack on hotel in Somalia leaves 25 dead

The attack began around at 5 pm on Saturday with a car bomb. Gunmen then stormed the building after the bomb had destroyed its defences.

Spain fires Catalan police chief as Madrid tightens grip
Spain fires Catalan police chief as Madrid tightens grip

Spain has sacked the chief of Catalonia's regional police force, Josep Lluis Trapero, as the government in Madrid takes control of the autonomous region to block its push for independence.

China's conservatives welcome Xi's new era, but say he is not the new Mao
China's conservatives welcome Xi's new era, but say he is not the new Mao

A fringe group of hard-line conservatives who long for the way things were under communist China's founding leader, Mao Zedong, have welcomed President Xi Jinping's 'new era' of socialism and its renewed emphasis on equality.

Orthodox Patriarch: Russian Revolution was 'catastrophic' for Church
Orthodox Patriarch: Russian Revolution was 'catastrophic' for Church

The October Revolution that heralded the triumph of communism in Russia had 'catastrophic consequences' for religious communities, according to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church

Spain in crisis: Catalonia parliament votes to declare independence
Spain in crisis: Catalonia parliament votes to declare independence

Catalonia's regional parliament has voted to declare independence from Spain as the central government looks set to impose direct rule.

Freedom of Belief Day: 4 reasons religious liberty still matters
Freedom of Belief Day: 4 reasons religious liberty still matters

Today, October 27, is International Freedom of Religion or Belief Day, an occasion to celebrate freedom where it exists and raise awareness of where it's sorely lacking. Here are four reasons freedom of belief matters for all across the world, religious or otherwise.

Bishop of Coventry warns of mass rape and 'deep human tragedy' in Myanmar
Bishop of Coventry warns of mass rape and 'deep human tragedy' in Myanmar

The Bishop of Coventry joined calls for the UK government to step up its response to the crisis in Myanmar on Thursday as he warned women and girls were being systematically raped.

Christian pastor and her family arrested in China for preaching in public park
Christian pastor and her family arrested in China for preaching in public park

A female church pastor, her daughter and her three year old grandson have reportedly been arrested In south-east China for public preaching, charged with violating the country's restrictions on religion.

Revealed: Lost Vatican documents condemn communism, a 'false religion without God'
Revealed: Lost Vatican documents condemn communism, a 'false religion without God'

Lost 'condemnations' of communism prepared for the Second Vatican Council in 1962 but later discarded have been made available to the public for the first time in an English translation by the religious affairs website LifeSiteNews.

'Exodus in the Middle East unrivalled since the days of Moses': Vice President Mike Pence blasts Christian persecution in 8 quotes
'Exodus in the Middle East unrivalled since the days of Moses': Vice President Mike Pence blasts Christian persecution in 8 quotes

Vice President Mike Pence used his speech at the In Defense of Christians solidarity dinner to announce the US would bypass the United Nations in aid to the Middle East, giving directly to faith-based groups on the ground.

The Balfour Declaration at 100: Britain's promise to Israelis and Palestinians still hasn't been kept
The Balfour Declaration at 100: Britain's promise to Israelis and Palestinians still hasn't been kept

On this anniversary, we should not simply look back at Britain's own historical responsibility to the Holy Land. More importantly we should look forward to how, in light of that responsibility, we may help to ensure that the next generation of Israelis and Palestinians grow up in peace and dignity.

Religious Freedom: Five countries where Christians face terrible persecution
Religious Freedom: Five countries where Christians face terrible persecution

Tomorrow is international religious freedom day. Here we look at five of the worst offenders against religious freedom in the world.

North Korea Day of Prayer offers message of hope for Christians in pariah state

North Korea continues to imprison, execute and torture Christians but opportunities are opening to weaken the totalitarian regime's grip, politicians, religious leaders and religious freedom charities heard on Wednesday.

VP Mike Pence says US will bypass UN and give US aid directly to Christians in Iraq

Mike Pence is promising to bypass the United Nations and give aid directly to beleaguered Christian communities in Iraq, vowing the days of minimal support filtering down to persecuted believers 'are over'.

Hotline to the heavens? Pope Francis to call International Space Station
Hotline to the heavens? Pope Francis to call International Space Station

The Pope is today set to reach out to the six astronauts on the International Space Station.