
The human face of conflict in Israel and Palestine
The human face of conflict in Israel and Palestine

Last week, as the attacks took place, the UK parliament was host to an effort from the church to bring the plight of individuals to the attention of government.

Has Pope Francis changed the Catholic church's teaching on homosexuality?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that 'deep-seated' homosexual inclination is 'objectively disordered,' but that people with homosexual tendencies 'must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.

Hindu nationalists damaging India's secular constitution, warns archbishop of Delhi
Hindu nationalists damaging India's secular constitution, warns archbishop of Delhi

The Catholic archbishop of Delhi has sparked an angry rebuke from the ruling Hindu nationalist party after he warned India's secular constitution was at threat.

Chilean Catholic Church in the spotlight again as 14 priests suspended for 'improper conduct'
Chilean Catholic Church in the spotlight again as 14 priests suspended for 'improper conduct'

Catholic church authorities in the Chilean city of Rancagua yesterday suspended 14 priests who are being investigated for 'improper conduct', a development that once again brought Chile under the spotlight when it comes to clerical sexual abuse.

Pope Francis says it is not a sin to criticise the Pope
Pope Francis says it is not a sin to criticise the Pope

Pope Francis, who has faced his fair share of criticism as well as support over recent years, has said that it is 'not a sin to criticise the pope'.

'Don't worry we are dealing with the Christians': Algeria's crackdown on churches
'Don't worry we are dealing with the Christians': Algeria's crackdown on churches

With presidential elections looming next year and the government under pressure from the Islamist MSP opposition party, ministers are using the 12-year-old legislation to instil a new crackdown on churches.

Lena Wesström: Pastor in Sweden suspected kidnapped and murdered
Lena Wesström: Pastor in Sweden suspected kidnapped and murdered

Lena Wesström, 45, went missing on May 15 and a body was found on Saturday in a forest near her home in Örebro which police 'strongly suspect' is that of Wesström, according to Swedish reports.

Australian Catholic Archbishop Philip Wilson found guilty of concealing child sex abuse
Australian Catholic Archbishop Philip Wilson found guilty of concealing child sex abuse

A court in Australia has found a Catholic archbishop guilty of concealing child sexual abuse in the 1970s.

Cuba plane crash: 10 priests and their wives among the dead, 3 survivors in critical condition
Cuba plane crash: 10 priests and their wives among the dead, 3 survivors in critical condition

They were from the Nazarene Church and were returning to their hometowns after a summit with other pastors in Havana.

Catholics substantially more opposed to Northern Ireland border checks that Protestants
Catholics substantially more opposed to Northern Ireland border checks that Protestants

Opposition to border checks on the Northern Irish border is substantially higher among Catholics than Protestants, new research reveals, with one in ten Catholics backing illegal protests.

Iraqi patriarch among 14 new cardinals announced by Pope Francis
Iraqi patriarch among 14 new cardinals announced by Pope Francis

Pope Francis has announced he will create 14 new cardinals on June 29, including the Iraq-based patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church as well as the archbishop of Karachi.

Islamic State claims responsibility for deadly church attack in Grozny, Chechnya
Islamic State claims responsibility for deadly church attack in Grozny, Chechnya

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack on a church in Russia's Chechnya republic that killed three people, the group's Amaq news agency has reported.

Cuba plane crash: 20 evangelical pastors among the 110 dead
Cuba plane crash: 20 evangelical pastors among the 110 dead

Twenty evangelical pastors were among the 110 dead after a plane crash in Cuba left only three survivors.

Pope Francis tells gay abuse victim: 'God loves you just the way you are'

A victim of clerical sex abuse has said Pope Francis told him God made him gay, that his sexuality 'does not matter' and that God and the pope love him as he is.

Venezuela's Maduro expected to defeat opposition split by evangelical pastor
Venezuela's Maduro expected to defeat opposition split by evangelical pastor

The 55-year-old former bus driver is expected to win despite his unpopularity.

Oscar Romero, Paul VI to become saints in October
Oscar Romero, Paul VI to become saints in October

They will be made saints along with two priests and two nuns, the Vatican said in a statement.