
Rowan Williams leads mass criticism of Iran from Anglican bishops
Rowan Williams leads mass criticism of Iran from Anglican bishops

Former archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams leads a mass denunciation of Iran today from 50 bishops across the UK's three Anglican churches.

Rising nationalism behind spike in harassment of religious minorities, report finds

Restrictions on religion continue to increase around the world, a major new report warns today.

Scottish Christian teens 'terrified' to face deportation back to Pakistan
Scottish Christian teens 'terrified' to face deportation back to Pakistan

Two Christian Pakistani teenagers have said they are 'terrified' of being deported after facing death threats because of their faith.

Asia Bibi: Nine years after her arrest, are there signs of hope?
Asia Bibi: Nine years after her arrest, are there signs of hope?

It is now more than nine years since Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman, was arrested for blasphemy.

Pastor and 5 family members killed for refusing to open their home to pro-government forces in Nicaragua
Pastor and 5 family members killed for refusing to open their home to pro-government forces in Nicaragua

A pastor and his family were reportedly killed after they refused to open their homes to paramilitary forces who wanted to post snipers in the building to take up position against anti-government protesters.

Meditation and yoga may be good for the body but bad for the ego, new research suggests
Meditation and yoga may be good for the body but bad for the ego, new research suggests

Yoga and meditation were supposed to encourage people to be selfless and more concerned about others, but a new study has suggested that both practices could actually magnify an individual's ego.

Burundi facing mass malnutrition as Tearfund launches emergency appeal
Burundi facing mass malnutrition as Tearfund launches emergency appeal

More than half the population of Burundi are severely malnourished, the World Food Programme is warning, as a Christian charity launches an emergency appeal for donations.

Canadian Supreme Court upholds right of law societies to deny accreditation to Christian law school over homosexuality beliefs
Canadian Supreme Court upholds right of law societies to deny accreditation to Christian law school over homosexuality beliefs

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that law societies in Ontario and British Columbia can deny accreditation to an evangelical Christian law school due to its stance on homosexuality.

Mob attacks homes of Christians who complained about naked men swimming outside

A mob has reportedly attacked the houses owned by Coptic Christians after they complained about a group of young men swimming naked in a canal outside their homes in Upper Egypt's Beni Suef governorate.

Boat caught in Europe's migration spat brings hundreds to Spain
Boat caught in Europe's migration spat brings hundreds to Spain

The plight of the Aquarius highlighted the European Union's struggle to manage an influx of people fleeing poverty and conflict.

Angelina Jolie says ISIS-ravaged Mosul is the 'worst devastation' she has ever seen
Angelina Jolie says ISIS-ravaged Mosul is the 'worst devastation' she has ever seen

U.N. refugee agency special envoy Angelina Jolie on Sunday visited a camp for Syrian refugees in northern Iraq to drum up support for those displaced by years of civil war.

Pastor in need of medical attention after being released from Eritrean prison after 11 years
Pastor in need of medical attention after being released from Eritrean prison after 11 years

A pastor in Eritrea is reportedly in need of medical care after being incarcerated for over a decade, according to a Christian charity.

Irish PM says Catholic hospitals cannot opt out of abortions
Irish PM says Catholic hospitals cannot opt out of abortions

Ireland's Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has stated that Catholic hospitals will have to perform abortions when the government implements new rules that will allow women to terminate their pregnancies.

Indian Christian couple arrested before wedding over complaint of 'forcible conversion'
Indian Christian couple arrested before wedding over complaint of 'forcible conversion'

A Christian couple who were about to get married were reportedly arrested at the wedding venue in India's Jharkhand state two weeks ago after the bride's father accused them of forcible conversion.

Researchers discover hidden texts in ancient Christian manuscripts in Sinai monastery
Researchers discover hidden texts in ancient Christian manuscripts in Sinai monastery

A team of researchers have found ancient hidden writings in early Christian manuscripts that are currently housed in the world's oldest working monastery in Egypt.

World Cup: Russia's churches use football to escape strict anti-evangelism laws
World Cup: Russia's churches use football to escape strict anti-evangelism laws

Hundreds of churches in Russia are using the football World Cup to avoid the country's hostile evangelism laws.