The Church of England's astonishing appointment
In New Testament terms, what is needed is not someone who is "impartial" – but someone who is strongly partial to Biblical truth and strongly opposed to error.
In New Testament terms, what is needed is not someone who is "impartial" – but someone who is strongly partial to Biblical truth and strongly opposed to error.
Even though you're stretched and some of you might even feel like you've not got much left in the tank, keep loving and gathering your young people locally, and try and do whatever it takes to get your young people to a youth festival this year.
Michael Griffiths, who died on 9 January aged 93, was one of the 20th century's most dynamic and influential mission leaders.
Any research done with a godly spirit allows a way for God to come into our lives, says biochemist Professor Stephen Freeland.
Like Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu will go down in history as an icon of the twentieth century.
What gospel music has done for Caribbean Pentecostal churches is that it has given them a profile that belies their size and influence.
I know a lot of ministries wonder whether the big events are still worth it and whether we should ramp up hopes in our young people if things could change. I can only speak from my experience, but we made a big deal out of these festivals and I'm glad we did.
The story has much to teach about contemporary society.
The church as a new family marked by Christ and the Holy Spirit does not destroy our unique identities but expands them into a new life with God.
Two recent studies actually support sexual orientation change efforts.
There's evidence that the over-sexualized experience of American men is dramatically harming their ability to foster their other relationships.
Christian Today speaks to Dr Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory in Rome, about how his faith in God inspires his work as an astronomer.
Most people are complex and Tutu is no exception.